Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts


012 : vouch for visuals!

little boy reaching for a big star, originally uploaded by ajpscs.

Education is sometimes linked to learning either boring/serious facts with few eye-catching attributes in them in the form of worksheets, presentations and handouts. I must admit, adding pictures isn't the main way to get the point across, but it sure does help to gain students' attention and prolong their attention span in a lesson, regardless of what subject you're teaching. Science, languages, social subjects, art (obviously), even maths, there's always the added fun factor when several senses (ie. visual, kinaesthetic and auditory) are used during teaching.

Using images to assist your teaching will also make it more interesting for those who learn through pictures, colors and shapes instead of texts and numbers due to their left/right brain orientation. This is because these 'image-related' activities activates the right side of the brain. Using both sides of the brain helps students to have a better understanding of what they are learning, and at the same time exercises both brain hemispheres instead of focusing on only one.

All that aside, this entry will focus on means to find appropriate AND interesting pictures that I always go to whenever I'm in need of photos. Please not however, that these are user-content sites, so there are copyright issues, so do check where appropriate, and inform/credit where due.

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tonnes of amazing photos by amazing photographers, some are personal, some are professional works (no need for signup). The picture in this entry (of the boy reaching up to colorful mobiles) is taken by a flickr user, ajpscs, who takes amazing photos of Japanese culture, among other things.

[ link : ]

Most are royalty-free, high-quality images (requires signup). The top header of the blog, featuring the board and duster, is by a user, ywell. :)

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He offers 6 links to really interesting sites on the internet.

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This particular page offers 50 links of free stock image sites of various kind! A few links are no longer working, however.

Of course, you can always Google-imagesearch to find more resources, but remember to use high-resolution images. Resizing images affects the quality of the image, especially so if they are made bigger (making them smaller doesn't reduce the quality as much).

Extra stuff!

When you have images, sometimes it requires a little bit of editing like resizing, sharpenning, blurring etc. To edit images, I use Macromedia Fireworks (or sometimes Adobe Photoshop), but most of the time I only use Irfanview.
[ link : ]

Irfanview is a very simple and compact tool to edit your images. It's extremely lightweight so you can keep it in your computer, laptop, flashdrive, and have it virtually anywhere with you (pun intended ;P). I've used this for years, it's really useful and highly recommended!

Have fun with your visual wanderings on the net and hope this helps!


011 : cool illustrations for visual aids in the class

Illustrations used in the texts to assist learners are usually pretty dull. Granted, they're usually black & white, so that leaves not much space for them to get our attention to begin with, but they could be spruced up a little, doncha think?

I was looking around the WWW for pictures for my assignment (which involves lesson planning) and I stumbled upon an illustrator by the name of Heather Sloane. She has a few sites under her wings; one of them is Mrs Pancake:
"Mrs Pancake is the teacher everyone loves. She's kind to the kids, always brings treats and just loves making Doodads - wonderful educational resources for parents and teachers."
The site caters to mainly younger children of literacy, numeracy and even for art&crafty subjects, though some things may be useful for the older students as well, like printable certs and some charts.

This site is such an adorable little space worth checking out! :)

[ link : ]


009 : funny education-related poetry

If you want to have a 'light' lesson, you may want a 'text' for an activity that can keep the students awake AND interested. A site worth checking is Poetry Teachers. They have a nice assortment of poetry that are quirky, fun and exploitable (in the sense that you can try to create lessons around them, eg. grammar), like this.

It's a cute site worth looking at, even if you don't have teaching intentions in mind :)


007 : more resources for teaching!

Edhelper has puzzlemakers, worksheets, and other convenient stuff for your teaching needs. For the topical worksheets, they are graded according to the level of learners, so it makes it easier for you to suit/adapt the lessons to the needs and abilities of your students.

The site is catered for younger learners and offers stuff for English, Maths and a few other subjects. Their language resources in particular can also be good for ESL learners, regardless of their age.

Note : not all of their resources are free (like most teaching resources), but the ones that are available are worth checking out.

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005 : some cool teaching resources for younger kids

This site offers (many, albeit limited) free resources for teaching. It has a lot of worksheets on many topics and subjects, so it is suitable for virtually any teacher whose students are in their teens and below.

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004 : fun with tongue twisters

I love tongue twisters! Although the words in them are usually easy to understand, they totally mess up your head! It's simple fun to get out of a bored state of mind or to freshen up sleepiness. Plus, it's good for fluency practice as well! If it doesn't, at least the students and you will be amused :)

Here's a site I found that's pretty cool for this, check it out:

[ link : ]

002 : learning the interactive way

Here's a blog about teaching languages using, mostly, interactive games. His ideas are mainly technology-based (eg. using the computers, internet, etc), and/but they're very entertaining. They can be used for days when you feel like stepping away from being at the front of the class, and letting the kids have fun (while secretly learning ;) ).


001 : so what's this all about?

Salam, hi and thanks for dropping by.

Current blog objectives:
  1. to record teaching-related ideas, plans, methods, etc for myself and the interested reader, either for self-improvement, i.e. to widen our options for teacherly decisions :P
  2. to promote interesting articles (online or offline) about, or related to, teaching.
  3. as a platform to share teaching-related thoughts and discuss on matters related to teaching.
This blog focuses on language-teaching beyond primary-level in Malaysia, but not exclusively. Anyone can comment and add anything here, but constructive thoughts are encouraged.

Let's make education affective, effective, and fun.

Please share your thoughts. :)
