014 : make your documents go google!

Don't you just find it annoying when you are suddenly lumped with a task which requires you to design a document you're not familiar with, or even worse, that you don't even know how to make?

Worry no more. Templates of practically every form of written-type document (eg. spreadsheets, presentations, forms) can be found on the internet, and it doesn't take long to find nice-looking ones for free use!

Something I just tried playing around with are forms on Google Docs:

[ link : docs.google.com ]

Google Documents provides an array of categories you can find templates of, and you can store these in your online hard drive. It's free and extremely convenient because you can access it anywhere with an internet connection to edit, view, or print your documents. What I also love is that you can 'share' the documents with others, and you can set how much access they get (view and/or edit)/

There should be other places that offer the same service, and if I find more I'll update the blog. But right now I'm happy with this.

Have fun! :)


013 : The circle of Academic Life

I've been pretty busy lately with courseworks. Here's a lighthearted illustration that made me smile while browsing on the Net today.

I got it from here.

Hope it made you smile too. :)