001 : so what's this all about?

Salam, hi and thanks for dropping by.

Current blog objectives:
  1. to record teaching-related ideas, plans, methods, etc for myself and the interested reader, either for self-improvement, i.e. to widen our options for teacherly decisions :P
  2. to promote interesting articles (online or offline) about, or related to, teaching.
  3. as a platform to share teaching-related thoughts and discuss on matters related to teaching.
This blog focuses on language-teaching beyond primary-level in Malaysia, but not exclusively. Anyone can comment and add anything here, but constructive thoughts are encouraged.

Let's make education affective, effective, and fun.

Please share your thoughts. :)



000 : the basics

the person
"By learning you will teach, by teaching you will learn." - Latin Proverb
      Who's bloggin'? You may call me Z. :)
      What do you do? I'm a part-time blogger, full-time student-teacher/dreamer majoring in TESOL.
      Where are you now? Somewhere in New Zealand and Malaysia.
      When was this blog created? February 20th 2009.

contact me
      E-mail for comments, suggestions, etc. Thanks! :)


    cool bits


    "They may forget what you said, But they will never forget how you made them feel."
    - Anon.

    "Good teacher is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater."
    - Gail Godwin


      Language & Arts Nik's Daily English Activities * Fun With Words * John's ESL Community * Grammar Quizzes * Victoria University ELC Study Zone * Poetry Teachers * 10 Simple Ways to Improve Your English
      General Subjects Ask Oxford * ABC Teaching * Enchanted Learning * Learn 4 Good * edHelper
      Education Educators for Social Responsibility * Social Responsibility : a Framework * EmPower : Empathy Power
